Cyber Aware
SNC has partnered with Cyber Aware to provide Cyber Security Awareness training to our valued customers. Did you know that 90% of cyber-attacks are successful due to human error? Cybercriminals target businesses through their employees, they often use information found online to gain their trust. When users unknowingly click phishing links, open malware attachments, or give up credentials and other sensitive information online, cybercriminals can bypass existing security to successfully breach an entire business.
By training your employees in cyber security awareness you are making your business more secure. All training material is based on real-world events and takes less than 5 minutes to complete. Courses are released upon signup and then monthly over a 12-month period. We find the training to be entertaining and easy to fit in a with a busy schedule.

Cyber Aware also allows SNC to run email phishing simulations, this allows employees to experience the methods hackers use in a safe and constructive manner. With monthly phishing campaigns, human risk can be reduced by 80%.
The Cyber Aware Professional License includes the following:
- Unlimited Phishing Simulations
- Monthly Awareness Training
- Access to all Awareness Posters
- Access to Cyber Aware Business/Health Check/Toolkit
- 20+ print ready PDF posters
- New Material Released Monthly
- Brandable posters available
SNC strongly encourages all businesses to take part in Cyber Security training, to help our customers we have included 20 Cyber Aware Professional licenses on our Platinum Service Plans. Security training has also quickly become a requirement when it comes to insuring your business with Cyber Insurance.
Our customers currently enrolled in the training have found it to be extremely valuable to their business and have noticed their staff are more aware of phishing/scam emails.
If you would like to find out more or would like to get your employees started with Cyber Awareness Security Training, please contact the team on (03) 9796 5690 or email